Issue 7, 2012

Silica nanocubes with a hierarchically porous structure


In this work, a simple hydrothermal method is presented for fabricating hierarchically porous silica nanocubes using a surfactant-polyelectrolyte template. The formed silica nanocubes possess Pm[3 with combining macron]n symmetry, which are patterned after organic template and their shape can be easily transformed from solid nanocubes to hollow cubes by controlling the composition of the surfactant-polyelectrolyte template. We have studied the fabrication conditions of silica nanocubes as a function of reaction temperature, reaction time, and the amount of reactants, and proposed a nanoparticle formation mechanism. For drug delivery, the calcined solid and hollow silica nanocubes show high loading capacities of ibuprofen, 362 mg g−1 and 509 mg g−1, respectively. These properties make the hierarchically porous silica nanocubes a promising material for drug delivery.

Graphical abstract: Silica nanocubes with a hierarchically porous structure

Article information

Article type
01 Sep 2011
22 Dec 2011
First published
10 Feb 2012

RSC Adv., 2012,2, 2887-2894

Silica nanocubes with a hierarchically porous structure

L. Kong, X. Liu, X. Bian and C. Wang, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 2887 DOI: 10.1039/C2RA00657J

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