Issue 15, 2012

A novel potential adsorbent for ultra deep desulfurization of jet fuels at room temperature


Using jet fuels in an integrated system by micro fuel processors and SOFC stacks for portable power sources is very attractive. This technology needs ultra-deep desulfurization of jet fuels to maintain high performance of fuel processors and SOFCs. So far, investigations on the adsorbents for direct ultra-deep desulfurization of jet fuels with high sulfur content at room temperature and atmospheric pressure are insufficient, and the achieved desulfurization performance is not satisfactorily high. This article presents the design and analysis of a new adsorbent, Ni–Ce/Al2O3–SiO2, for direct desulfurization of jet-A fuel with total sulfur content of 949.03 mg kg−1 at room temperature and atmospheric pressure without any other assisted reaction conditions. Experimental tests were conducted and high desulfurization efficiency (96.43%) was obtained, which verifies the expected effect. The analysis and experimental data demonstrates broad application prospects of the Ni–Ce/Al2O3–SiO2 adsorbent for room temperature and atmospheric pressure ultra-deep desulfurization of high-sulfur-content jet fuels.

Graphical abstract: A novel potential adsorbent for ultra deep desulfurization of jet fuels at room temperature

Article information

Article type
08 Feb 2012
21 May 2012
First published
21 May 2012

RSC Adv., 2012,2, 6155-6160

A novel potential adsorbent for ultra deep desulfurization of jet fuels at room temperature

Y. Shen, X. Xu and P. Li, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 6155 DOI: 10.1039/C2RA20224G

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