Issue 4, 2012

Transfer of inorganic thin films by soluble polymer layer for arbitrary surface coating


The transfer of inorganic films from the as-grown substrates to arbitrary surfaces has been demonstrated and investigated as a facile and versatile approach to alter surface properties. The transfer method employed soluble poly(lactic acid) delivery for ease of operation and flexibility in surface adhesion. Superhydrophobic Au and Ag thin films fabricated by electrochemical and chemical solution deposition, respectively, were chosen as the to-transfer inorganic films. A variety of materials, including silica, metal, ceramic, copper mesh, and lens tissue, were successfully coated with the two kinds of inorganic thin films by this transfer method. As a result of the transfer, the superhydrophobicity of Au and Ag films was imparted to these surfaces; SEM and comparison of contact angle before and after transfer indicated that the morphology and properties of the parent film were substantially preserved after transfer. This transfer method could eliminate the restriction of as-grown substrates on thin films, broadening thin film applications.

Graphical abstract: Transfer of inorganic thin films by soluble polymer layer for arbitrary surface coating

Article information

Article type
20 Sep 2011
16 Oct 2011
First published
11 Nov 2011

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 937-941

Transfer of inorganic thin films by soluble polymer layer for arbitrary surface coating

S. Zhao, C. Hu, X. Chen, J. Zhou, Y. Jiao, K. Zhang and Y. Fu, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 937 DOI: 10.1039/C1SM06791E

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