Issue 31, 2013

Super absorbent conjugated microporous polymers: a synergistic structural effect on the exceptional uptake of amines


Conjugated microporous polymers exhibit a synergistic structural effect on the exceptional uptake of amines, whereas the dense porphyrin units facilitate uptake, the high porosity offers a large interface and the swellability boosts capacity. They are efficient in the uptake of both vapor and liquid amines, are applicable to various types of amines, and are excellent for cycle use.

Graphical abstract: Super absorbent conjugated microporous polymers: a synergistic structural effect on the exceptional uptake of amines

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Article information

Article type
08 Feb 2013
04 Mar 2013
First published
04 Mar 2013

Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 3233-3235

Super absorbent conjugated microporous polymers: a synergistic structural effect on the exceptional uptake of amines

X. Liu, Y. Xu, Z. Guo, A. Nagai and D. Jiang, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 3233 DOI: 10.1039/C3CC41082J

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