Issue 72, 2013

The first structural confirmation of a C102fullerene as C102Cl20 containing a non-IPR carbon cage


The chlorination of a pristine C102 fullerene separated by HPLC from fullerene soot afforded crystals of C102Cl20 with a non-IPR (IPR = isolated pentagon rule) cage containing two pairs of fused pentagons; structural reconstruction of a two-step Stone–Wales rearrangement revealed the starting IPR isomer (no. 19) of C102.

Graphical abstract: The first structural confirmation of a C102 fullerene as C102Cl20 containing a non-IPR carbon cage

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Article information

Article type
11 Jun 2013
11 Jul 2013
First published
11 Jul 2013

Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 7944-7946

The first structural confirmation of a C102 fullerene as C102Cl20 containing a non-IPR carbon cage

S. Yang, T. Wei, S. Wang, D. V. Ignat'eva, E. Kemnitz and S. I. Troyanov, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 7944 DOI: 10.1039/C3CC44386H

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