Issue 3, 2013

Cu(ii)/Cu(0) electrocatalyzed CO2 and H2O splitting


In an earlier report we showed that in concentrated carbonate/bicarbonate solutions, simple Cu(II) salts are highly reactive as water oxidation electro-catalysts. We report here, based on earlier results in the literature, that Cu(0) films on a boron-doped diamond substrate are active toward CO2 reduction to CO and formate. The current densities are higher by ∼2.8 fold than a bulk polycrystalline copper electrode due to the enhanced surface area of the electroplated Cu(0) films. When combined, the two half reactions, catalyzed by Cu(II) and Cu(0), provide a basis for the net electrochemical splitting of CO2 into CO/HCOO and O2 in CO2/HCO3 buffered aqueous solutions. The resulting electrochemical cell is remarkable for the simple nature of the catalysts, solution conditions, and cell configuration.

Graphical abstract: Cu(ii)/Cu(0) electrocatalyzed CO2 and H2O splitting

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2012
30 Jan 2013
First published
30 Jan 2013

Energy Environ. Sci., 2013,6, 813-817

Cu(II)/Cu(0) electrocatalyzed CO2 and H2O splitting

Z. Chen, P. Kang, M. Zhang, B. R. Stoner and T. J. Meyer, Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 813 DOI: 10.1039/C3EE24487C

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