Issue 3, 2013

Attenuation of glycemic responses by oat β-glucan solutions and viscoelastic gels is dependent on molecular weight distribution


Oat β-glucan attenuates postprandial glycemic responses when solubilized to form viscous solutions. High molecular weight (MW) β-glucan is associated with high solution viscosity, which is in turn associated with lower glycemic responses. However, low MW β-glucan is also able to form viscoelastic gels. The effect of low (145 000 g mol−1) and high (580 000 g mol−1) MW β-glucan presented as liquid drinks and gels on glycemic responses was determined. Healthy subjects (n = 15) consumed 50 g glucose drinks with no β-glucan; 4 g low MW; or 4 g high MW β-glucan; and gels containing 4 g low MW; 2 g low plus 2 g high MW; or 3 g high plus 1 g low MW β-glucan. Overall, β-glucan solutions elicited lower glycemic responses than gels. For gels, peak blood glucose rise (PBGR) decreased with increasing dose of high MW β-glucan (r2 = 0.976, P > 0.05), and PBGR for the gel with 3 g high-MW was lower than for the control (P < 0.05). However, β-glucan gels retained glucose better than solutions under in vitro analysis. Observed effects were found to be related to the rheological properties of the foods. β-Glucan solutions and not gels effectively attenuated in vivo glycemic responses.

Graphical abstract: Attenuation of glycemic responses by oat β-glucan solutions and viscoelastic gels is dependent on molecular weight distribution

Article information

Article type
10 Aug 2012
15 Nov 2012
First published
28 Nov 2012

Food Funct., 2013,4, 401-408

Attenuation of glycemic responses by oat β-glucan solutions and viscoelastic gels is dependent on molecular weight distribution

M. G. Y. Kwong, T. M. S. Wolever, Y. Brummer and S. M. Tosh, Food Funct., 2013, 4, 401 DOI: 10.1039/C2FO30202K

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