Issue 6, 2013

Selective oxidation of dimethyl ether to methyl formate over trifunctional MoO3–SnO2catalyst under mild conditions


Dimethyl ether oxidation was conducted over MoO3–SnO2 catalysts prepared from different Sn salt precursors. Over the MoO3–SnO2 catalyst prepared from SnCl4, methyl formate selectivity reached 94.1% at 433 K without the formation of COx. The performance of the catalyst was determined by the existence form of MoO3 and the different surface bonding of Mo and O of the catalyst.

Graphical abstract: Selective oxidation of dimethyl ether to methyl formate over trifunctional MoO3–SnO2 catalyst under mild conditions

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Article information

Article type
07 Feb 2013
19 Mar 2013
First published
19 Mar 2013

Green Chem., 2013,15, 1501-1504

Selective oxidation of dimethyl ether to methyl formate over trifunctional MoO3–SnO2 catalyst under mild conditions

G. Liu, Q. Zhang, Y. Han, N. Tsubaki and Y. Tan, Green Chem., 2013, 15, 1501 DOI: 10.1039/C3GC40279G

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