Issue 1, 2013

Investigation at the nanometre scale on the corrosion mechanisms of archaeological ferrous artefacts by STXM


For the first time, corrosion products of a 450 year old archaeological iron nail were investigated at the nanometer level using STXM. NEXAFS acquisitions at the Fe L-edge were performed on a thin film taken of the metal–corrosion products including the interface. Comparison with Fe L-edge reference spectra gathered on maghemite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4), siderite (FeCO3), chukanovite (Fe2(OH)2CO3) and metallic iron (Fe) showed the presence of an interfacial layer of about 100 nm at the metal–corrosion product interface consisting of maghemite and magnetite. Further from this interface, corrosion products are mainly constituted of Fe-carbonates, as well as smaller quantities of iron oxides, probably maghemite. These results support the hypothesis of the presence of a nanolayer controlling the corrosion processes at the metal–corrosion product interface, proposed during former studies at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. They also bring important new insights for the prediction of very long term corrosion of steels, especially into the fields of cultural heritage conservation and storage of nuclear wastes.

Graphical abstract: Investigation at the nanometre scale on the corrosion mechanisms of archaeological ferrous artefacts by STXM

Article information

Article type
31 Aug 2012
26 Oct 2012
First published
26 Oct 2012

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2013,28, 59-66

Investigation at the nanometre scale on the corrosion mechanisms of archaeological ferrous artefacts by STXM

A. Michelin, E. Drouet, E. Foy, J. J. Dynes, D. Neff and P. Dillmann, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2013, 28, 59 DOI: 10.1039/C2JA30250K

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