Issue 19, 2013

Large networks of vertical multi-layer graphenes with morphology-tunable magnetoresistance


We report on the comparative study of magnetotransport properties of large-area vertical few-layer graphene networks with different morphologies, measured in a strong (up to 10 T) magnetic field over a wide temperature range. The petal-like and tree-like graphene networks grown by a plasma enhanced CVD process on a thin (500 nm) silicon oxide layer supported by a silicon wafer demonstrate a significant difference in the resistance–magnetic field dependencies at temperatures ranging from 2 to 200 K. This behaviour is explained in terms of the effect of electron scattering at ultra-long reactive edges and ultra-dense boundaries of the graphene nanowalls. Our results pave a way towards three-dimensional vertical graphene-based magnetoelectronic nanodevices with morphology-tuneable anisotropic magnetic properties.

Graphical abstract: Large networks of vertical multi-layer graphenes with morphology-tunable magnetoresistance

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
31 Jan 2013
26 Mar 2013
First published
02 Apr 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 9283-9288

Large networks of vertical multi-layer graphenes with morphology-tunable magnetoresistance

Z. Yue, I. Levchenko, S. Kumar, D. Seo, X. Wang, S. Dou and K. (. Ostrikov, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 9283 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR00550J

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