Issue 17, 2013

Nanoprobe arrays for multiple single cell insertion using heterogeneous nanosphere lithography (HNSL)


Nanoprobe arrays for multiple single cell insertion were developed using heterogeneous nanosphere lithography. Using two heterogeneous nanoparticles as sacrificial and masking particles, high aspect ratio Si nanoprobes were fabricated in an array with spacing between the nanoprobes ranging from a few to tens of micrometers. For registered single cell analysis, multiple and precise insertion of nanoprobes into multiple single cells in a parallel fashion was demonstrated using micropipette suction and micromanipulators.

Graphical abstract: Nanoprobe arrays for multiple single cell insertion using heterogeneous nanosphere lithography (HNSL)

Article information

Article type
16 Apr 2013
26 Jun 2013
First published
01 Jul 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 7809-7813

Nanoprobe arrays for multiple single cell insertion using heterogeneous nanosphere lithography (HNSL)

Y. H. Seo, L. H. Kim, Y. Kim and W. Ryu, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 7809 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR01890C

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