Issue 19, 2013

Surface plasmon resonance induced excellent solar control for VO2@SiO2nanorods-based thermochromic foils


Transition-metal oxide nanocrystals are novel candidates for being used as the hosts of localized surface plasmon resonance because they exhibit fascinating properties arising from the unique characteristics of their outer-d valence electrons. VO2(M) nanocrystal is well-known due to its reversible metal-insulator transition (MIT) temperature near room temperature (∼68 °C) corresponding to the appearance/disappearance of localized surface plasmon resonance across the MIT. In this study, a microemulsion-based method was introduced to synthesize VO2(M)@SiO2 nanoparticles which were applied to prepare VO2-based thermochromic foils owing to a strong and tunable surface plasmon resonance in the metallic state. The optical transmittance spectra demonstrates that the employment of surface plasmon resonance in VO2-based thermochromic foils greatly improves their solar regulating efficiency up to 18.54%, and provides an unprecedented insight in optimizing VO2-based thermochromic windows for solar control.

Graphical abstract: Surface plasmon resonance induced excellent solar control for VO2@SiO2 nanorods-based thermochromic foils

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 May 2013
17 Jun 2013
First published
19 Jun 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 9208-9213

Surface plasmon resonance induced excellent solar control for VO2@SiO2 nanorods-based thermochromic foils

Y. Zhou, A. Huang, Y. Li, S. Ji, Y. Gao and P. Jin, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 9208 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR02221H

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