Tunable orange red phosphors: S2−-doped high temperature phase Ca3SiO4Cl2:Eu2+ for solid-state lighting†
S2−-doped high temperature phase (HTP) Ca3SiO4Cl2:Eu2+ is synthesized by one-step solid-state reaction at 1020 °C under H2(5%)/N2(95%) reducing atmosphere, using CaSO4 as the S source for sulfuration. Remarkable red shift of the emission spectra of S2−-doped HTP Ca3SiO4Cl2:Eu2+ is observed, comparing with Ca3SiO4Cl2:Eu2+. This is attributed to the crystal field splitting effect and nephelauxetic effect by S2− doping. The competition of the two effects also changes the excitation spectra, showing first red then blue shift. The color chromaticity of S2−-doped HTP Ca3SiO4Cl2:Eu2+ shows that it can be used as an efficient orange red phosphor for solid-state lighting.