Issue 6, 2013

Surfactant-accelerated asymmetric transfer hydrogenation with recyclable water-soluble catalyst in aqueous media


Water-soluble ligands (R,R)-2 were successfully prepared, in which the bis-meta-sulphonated ligand was definitely detected as the major product. The corresponding transition-metal complexes containing the ligands displayed excellent catalytic performance in asymmetric transfer hydrogenation (ATH) of aromatic ketones. Especially, the aromatic ketones with a bromine group in the α position could be smoothly reduced to the expected alcohol, keeping the bromine group intact with excellent enantioselectivities (up to 96% ee). The catalyst could be reused at least 21 times without erosion of the enantioselectivity in high conversion. Moreover, it was found that cationic surfactant and proper pH values were necessary for the maintenance of high reactivity.

Graphical abstract: Surfactant-accelerated asymmetric transfer hydrogenation with recyclable water-soluble catalyst in aqueous media

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Article information

Article type
08 Oct 2012
23 Nov 2012
First published
26 Nov 2012

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 1825-1834

Surfactant-accelerated asymmetric transfer hydrogenation with recyclable water-soluble catalyst in aqueous media

J. Li, X. Li, Y. Ma, J. Wu, F. Wang, J. Xiang, J. Zhu, Q. Wang and J. Deng, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 1825 DOI: 10.1039/C2RA22432A

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