Issue 37, 2013

Aluminum nanoparticles for efficient and stable organic photovoltaics


Enhancement of both the efficiency and stability of bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices is demonstrated by the addition of highly stable Al NPs, generated via laser ablation, into the photoactive layer. An efficiency enhancement of 30% is demonstrated, which can be attributed to multiple scattering effects and enhanced structural stability of the photoactive blend. Surprisingly, the devices with Al NPs die after ∼150 h of operation under continuous illumination, compared with the pristine devices which die after ∼30 h.

Graphical abstract: Aluminum nanoparticles for efficient and stable organic photovoltaics

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Article information

Article type
06 Jun 2013
18 Jul 2013
First published
22 Jul 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 16288-16291

Aluminum nanoparticles for efficient and stable organic photovoltaics

G. Kakavelakis, E. Stratakis and E. Kymakis, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 16288 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA42792G

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