Issue 10, 2013

Highly efficient solid phase synthesis of large polypeptides by iterative ligations of bis(2-sulfanylethyl)amido (SEA) peptide segments


Up to now, the advantages of solid phase protein synthesis have been largely under-utilized due to the difficulty of designing a simple and efficient elongation cycle enabling the concatenation of unprotected peptide segments. The combination of selective N-terminal anchoring (N3-Esoc linker) with the blocked thioester properties of the SEAoff group enabled the solid phase concatenation of unprotected peptide segments by N-to-C sequential formation of native peptide bonds. The strategy was applied to the synthesis of a 60 amino acid-long latent peptide thioester or to the assembly of five peptide segments to give a 15 kDa polypeptide.

Graphical abstract: Highly efficient solid phase synthesis of large polypeptides by iterative ligations of bis(2-sulfanylethyl)amido (SEA) peptide segments

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Edge Article
28 Jun 2013
22 Jul 2013
First published
24 Jul 2013

Chem. Sci., 2013,4, 4061-4066

Highly efficient solid phase synthesis of large polypeptides by iterative ligations of bis(2-sulfanylethyl)amido (SEA) peptide segments

L. Raibaut, H. Adihou, R. Desmet, A. F. Delmas, V. Aucagne and O. Melnyk, Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 4061 DOI: 10.1039/C3SC51824H

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