Issue 29, 2013

How deprotonation changes molecular self-assembly – an AFM study in liquid environment


We study the influence of Alizarin Red S deprotonation on molecular self-assembly at the solid–liquid interface of the natural cleavage plane of calcite immersed in aqueous solution. To elucidate the adsorption details, we perform pH dependent high-resolution atomic force microscopy measurements. When Alizarin Red S is deposited onto calcite(10.4) in a liquid environment at an acidic pH of 5, weakly bound, ordered islands with a (3 × 3) superstructure are observed. A sharp structural transition is revealed when increasing the pH above 8. Above this pH, stable needle-like structures oriented along the [01.0] direction form on the surface. Comparing these results with potentiometric titration data allows for unambiguously assigning the two molecular structures to the single and two-fold deprotonated moieties of Alizarin Red S. Our work, thus, illustrates the decisive impact of the protonation state on molecular self-assembly.

Graphical abstract: How deprotonation changes molecular self-assembly – an AFM study in liquid environment

Article information

Article type
24 Jan 2013
17 May 2013
First published
14 Jun 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 7145-7149

How deprotonation changes molecular self-assembly – an AFM study in liquid environment

M. Schreiber, M. Eckardt, S. Klassen, H. Adam, M. Nalbach, L. Greifenstein, F. Kling, M. Kittelmann, R. Bechstein and A. Kühnle, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 7145 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM50262G

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