Issue 37, 2013

Precise structural investigation of symmetric diblock copolymer thin films with resonant soft X-ray reflectivity


Symmetric diblock copolymers are known to form lamellar structures in the bulk of an organic thin film. Polymer/polymer and polymer/substrate interfaces play a critical role in this application. Here, we report the investigation of multiple buried interfaces by using a novel technique resonant soft X-ray reflectivity which benefits from enhanced contrast between different polymers near the carbon K-edge. This allows us to obtain a precise interface structure. We also present an alternative method to determine optical constants of polymers by fitting X-ray reflectivity of polymers with known structural parameters at specific soft X-ray energies. This approach is compared with the way of obtaining β by NEXAFS and calculating δ via the Kramers–Kronig relationship. Finally, by using the determined index of refraction, the precise structure of a multilayer formed by a diblock copolymer is obtained by successfully fitting the resonant soft X-ray reflectivity profile.

Graphical abstract: Precise structural investigation of symmetric diblock copolymer thin films with resonant soft X-ray reflectivity

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Article information

Article type
09 Apr 2013
24 Jul 2013
First published
25 Jul 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 8820-8825

Precise structural investigation of symmetric diblock copolymer thin films with resonant soft X-ray reflectivity

W. Ma, B. Vodungbo, K. Nilles, Y. Liu, P. Theato and J. Luning, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 8820 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM50976A

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