Issue 45, 2013

From adhesion to wetting of a soft particle


Using a thermodynamical approach, we calculate the deformation of a spherical elastic particle placed on a rigid substrate, under zero external load, and including an ingredient of importance in soft matter: the interfacial tension of the cap. In a first part, we limit the study to small deformation. In contrast with previous studies, we obtain an expression for the energy that precisely contains the JKR and Young–Dupré asymptotic regimes, and which establishes a continuous bridge between them. In the second part, we consider the large deformation case, which is relevant for future comparison with numerical simulations and experiments on very soft materials. Using a fruitful analogy with fracture mechanics, we derive the exact energy of the problem and thus obtain the equilibrium state for any given choice of physical parameters.

Graphical abstract: From adhesion to wetting of a soft particle

Article information

Article type
28 Jun 2013
14 Aug 2013
First published
12 Sep 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 10699-10704

From adhesion to wetting of a soft particle

T. Salez, M. Benzaquen and É. Raphaël, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 10699 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM51780B

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