Issue 17, 2013

R-graphyne: a new two-dimensional carbon allotrope with versatile Dirac-like point in nanoribbons


A novel two-dimensional carbon allotrope, rectangular graphyne (R-graphyne) with tetra-rings and acetylenic linkages, is proposed by first-principles calculations. Although the bulk R-graphyne exhibits metallic property, the nanoribbons of R-graphyne show distinct electronic structures from the bulk. The most intriguing feature is that band gaps of R-graphyne nanoribbons oscillate between semiconductor and metallic states as a function of width. Particularly, the zigzag edge nanoribbons with half-integer repeating unit cell exhibit unexpected Dirac-like fermions in the band structures. The Dirac-like fermions of the R-graphyne nanoribbons originate from the central symmetry and two sub-lattices. The extraordinary properties of R-graphyne nanoribbons greatly expand our understanding of the origin of Dirac-like points. Such findings uncover a novel fascinating property of nanoribbons, which may have broad potential applications for carbon-based nanoscale electronic devices.

Graphical abstract: R-graphyne: a new two-dimensional carbon allotrope with versatile Dirac-like point in nanoribbons

Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2013
21 Feb 2013
First published
15 Mar 2013

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013,1, 5341-5346

R-graphyne: a new two-dimensional carbon allotrope with versatile Dirac-like point in nanoribbons

W. Yin, Yue-E. Xie, L. Liu, R. Wang, X. Wei, L. Lau, J. Zhong and Y. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 5341 DOI: 10.1039/C3TA00097D

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