Issue 40, 2013

Surface modification of MnO2 and carbon nanotubes using organic dyes for nanotechnology of electrochemical supercapacitors


Efficient dispersion and electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) was achieved using organic dyes, such as pyrocatechol violet (PV) and m-cresol purple (CP). The problem of MnO2 nanoparticle dispersion in concentrated suspensions was addressed by the use of PV as a dispersant. The analysis and comparison of experimental data for PV and CP provided insight into the influence of chemical structures of the dyes on their adsorption on MWCNTs and MnO2. The adsorption of PV on MWCNTs and MnO2 was attributed to π–π interactions and catecholate type bonding, respectively. The EPD yield can be varied by the variation of the PV concentration in the suspensions, deposition voltage and time. It was found that PV can be used as a co-dispersant for EPD of MWCNTs and MnO2 and the fabrication of MnO2–MWCNT composites. The proposed approach offers advantages of uniform distribution of individual components and low binder content in the composite. MnO2–MWCNT films were prepared by EPD for thin film electrodes of electrochemical supercapacitors (ES). Bulk MnO2–MWCNT electrodes with a material loading of 40 mg cm−2 were obtained by the impregnation of Ni foam current collectors. The highest specific capacitance of 5.9 F cm−2 (148 F g−1) was achieved. The composite materials are promising for ES applications.

Graphical abstract: Surface modification of MnO2 and carbon nanotubes using organic dyes for nanotechnology of electrochemical supercapacitors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Jun 2013
14 Aug 2013
First published
14 Aug 2013

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013,1, 12519-12526

Surface modification of MnO2 and carbon nanotubes using organic dyes for nanotechnology of electrochemical supercapacitors

Y. Wang, Y. Liu and I. Zhitomirsky, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 12519 DOI: 10.1039/C3TA12458D

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