Issue 20, 2013

Recent advancements of graphene in biomedicine


Graphene, as a rising star in the field of nanomaterials, possesses a unique planar structure and exceptional electronic, mechanical, and optical properties. The material has attracted tremendous interest not only for its intrinsic properties but also promising application opportunities in a wide range of technologies and markets. This review specifically summarizes recent research advancements of graphene in the areas of biotechnology and biomedicine. The bio-application opportunities lie in the unique attributes of graphene, i.e., (1) its nano-scale structure that allows for bio-compatibility, (2) biofunctionalization of graphene for biological recognition, (3) its mechanical, electronic and optical properties for bioimaging and external stimulus driven therapeutics, and (4) its functionalities for tissue and genetic engineering. The review mainly highlights eight subjects including (1) biocompatibility, cytotoxicity and biofunctionalization, (2) antibacterial activity, (3) biosensing and immunosensing, (4) bioimaging, (5) genetic engineering, (6) drug delivery, (7) cancer phototherapy, and (8) tissue engineering. Perspectives and future challenges in this rapidly developing area are also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Recent advancements of graphene in biomedicine

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
26 Nov 2012
25 Mar 2013
First published
15 Apr 2013

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013,1, 2542-2567

Recent advancements of graphene in biomedicine

H. Zhang, G. Grüner and Y. Zhao, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1, 2542 DOI: 10.1039/C3TB20405G

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