Issue 39, 2013

Tuning structure and function in tetra(aniline)-based rod–coil–rod architectures


Here we report on our investigations into the aggregation behaviour and optoelectronic properties of organic (semi)conductor-containing π-conjugated rod–coil–rod triblock materials. The facile synthesis of these rod-like tetra(aniline) (TANI) containing materials was achieved by a one-step condensation reaction of mono-functional phenyl/NH2 end-capped TANI and di-functional aliphatic diacyl chloride substrates. Simple variation of the n-alkyl spacer chain length impacted on the intermolecular amide-mediated H-bonding interactions and allowed fine-tuning of dc-conductivity values over two orders of magnitude for thin films of plasticized and CSA-doped supported thin films. Initial investigations into the production of anisotropic functional structures yielded micrometer-sized spherical (vesicular or solid spheres) isotropic functional structures. This approach is identified as an area for further exploration.

Graphical abstract: Tuning structure and function in tetra(aniline)-based rod–coil–rod architectures

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Article information

Article type
07 Jun 2013
20 Aug 2013
First published
30 Aug 2013

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013,1, 6428-6437

Tuning structure and function in tetra(aniline)-based rod–coil–rod architectures

C. U. Udeh, P. Rannou, B. P. Brown, J. O. Thomas and C. F. J. Faul, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 6428 DOI: 10.1039/C3TC31088D

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