Issue 34, 2014

Enantioselective domino reaction of CO2, amines and allyl chlorides under iridium catalysis: formation of allyl carbamates


The enantioselective domino reaction between CO2 (1 atm), amines and linear allyl chlorides in the presence of an iridium complex, DABCO and toluene at 15 °C was realized, which gave branched allyl carbamates in acceptable to high yields with up to excellent regioselectivity (99/1) and 94% ee. This is the first example of the synthesis of chiral allyl carbamates through catalytic domino reactions using CO2.

Graphical abstract: Enantioselective domino reaction of CO2, amines and allyl chlorides under iridium catalysis: formation of allyl carbamates

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
17 Jan 2014
04 Mar 2014
First published
07 Mar 2014

Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 4455-4458

Enantioselective domino reaction of CO2, amines and allyl chlorides under iridium catalysis: formation of allyl carbamates

M. Zhang, X. Zhao and S. Zheng, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 4455 DOI: 10.1039/C4CC00413B

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