Issue 45, 2014

Synthesis and characterizations of pyridazine-based iron chelators


In an attempt to design ligands which require both a high iron(III) affinity and a low iron(II) affinity, the 3-hydroxypyridin-4-one structure has been modified to introduce an additional nitrogen atom in the pyridine ring to form a pyridazine. The target molecules were synthesized from a chlorine-substituted pyridazine using step-by-step methoxylations. A total of six 3- and 5-hydroxypyridazin-4(1H)-ones have been synthesized, with a methyl, ethyl or n-propyl group on the N1 of the pyridazine ring. In the reaction of the pyridazines with alkyl iodide, the presence of acetone drives the reaction to afford pyridazinones rather than the desired pyridaziniums. The pKa values of the free ligands, the stability constants of their iron(III) complexes and corresponding pFeIII values demonstrate that this type of ligand has lower values when compared with those of deferiprone. The reduction potential values of the iron complexes obtained from cyclic voltammetry measurements, are used to determine the corresponding pFeII values. Although two compounds of the 20 series have marginally higher log β3(FeIII)/log β3(FeII) ratios than those of deferiprone, they possess pFeIII values <20, indicating that this type of chelator is unlikely to be optimized into a useful therapeutic agent.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and characterizations of pyridazine-based iron chelators

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Article information

Article type
03 Sep 2014
02 Oct 2014
First published
02 Oct 2014

Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 17120-17128

Author version available

Synthesis and characterizations of pyridazine-based iron chelators

Y. Ma, X. Kong, Y. Chen and R. C. Hider, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 17120 DOI: 10.1039/C4DT02687J

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