Issue 9, 2014

ICP-MS method for Pu and Np isotopes in population monitoring by a micro-flow injection sample introduction system


An ICP-MS method using a micro-flow injection (μ-FI) sample introduction system was developed for measuring 237Np and 239,240,241Pu in urine samples for sensitive and rapid population monitoring following a radiological or nuclear accident. Good selectivity from the chemical separation method allowed the determination of 237Np together with Pu isotopes using 242Pu as a tracer. Significant improvements in ICP-MS sensitivity and detection limit were achieved using the μ-FI sample introduction and the desolvation techniques. The method developed has been successfully applied to a set of human urine samples spiked with Pu isotopes and a set of rat urine samples with metabolized Pu isotopes from research experiments.

Graphical abstract: ICP-MS method for Pu and Np isotopes in population monitoring by a micro-flow injection sample introduction system

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
20 Mar 2014
16 Jun 2014
First published
03 Jul 2014

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2014,29, 1708-1713

Author version available

ICP-MS method for Pu and Np isotopes in population monitoring by a micro-flow injection sample introduction system

Y. Shi, X. Dai, C. Li, R. Collins, S. Kramer-Tremblay, R. Riopel and C. Broome, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2014, 29, 1708 DOI: 10.1039/C4JA00105B

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