Issue 53, 2014

Amorphous nickel–boron and nickel–manganese–boron alloy as electrochemical pseudocapacitor materials


The nanoparticles of amorphous Ni–B and Ni–Mn–B alloys are synthesized and investigated as electrochemical pseudocapacitor materials for potential energy storage applications. The specific capacitance of Ni–B and Ni–Mn–B electrodes are observed to be 562 and 768 F g−1, respectively. The capacitance of Ni–B and Ni–Mn–B retained 65% and 68% of their initial value after a cycle life of 1500 cycles.

Graphical abstract: Amorphous nickel–boron and nickel–manganese–boron alloy as electrochemical pseudocapacitor materials

Article information

Article type
07 Apr 2014
16 Jun 2014
First published
16 Jun 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 27800-27804

Author version available

Amorphous nickel–boron and nickel–manganese–boron alloy as electrochemical pseudocapacitor materials

W. Zhang, Y. Tan, Y. Gao, J. Wu, B. Tang and J. Zhao, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 27800 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA03089C

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