Issue 93, 2014

Unusual pH-responsive fluid based on a simple tertiary amine surfactant: the formation of vesicles and wormlike micelles


A novel pH-responsive viscoelastic micellar system was prepared by N,N-dimethyl oleoaminde-propylamine without the addition of hydrotropes. The micellar system undergoes a gradual transition from vesicles to spherical micelles to wormlike micelles by adding an HCl solution. Rheology, Cryo-TEM and dynamic light scattering (DLS) results revealed that the pH-responsive flow behavior is attributed to the microstructural transition among the spherical micelles, vesicles and worm-like micelles. In this paper, we found out that a vesicle is extremely pH sensitive because the degree of protonation and the concentration of Cl strongly affect the pH areas which could form worm-like micelles. The notable advantages of vesicles and worm-like micelles can be utilized to prepare pH-responsive viscoelastic fluids in the desired pH areas.

Graphical abstract: Unusual pH-responsive fluid based on a simple tertiary amine surfactant: the formation of vesicles and wormlike micelles

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Article information

Article type
02 Aug 2014
11 Sep 2014
First published
12 Sep 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 51519-51527

Unusual pH-responsive fluid based on a simple tertiary amine surfactant: the formation of vesicles and wormlike micelles

H. Lu, L. Wang and Z. Huang, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 51519 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA08004A

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