Issue 104, 2014

Two appealing alternatives for MOFs synthesis: solvent-free oven heating vs. microwave heating


Herein we present a solvent-free process to afford the synthesis of imidazolate and carboxylate based MOFs performed under moderate oven-heating or fast microwave irradiation, paying special attention to the yield and adsorption performance of the products. The measured adsorption surface area values of the resulting samples compare well, and in several cases surpass, the maximum surface area previously reported for the same compounds prepared using a solvent based synthesis.

Graphical abstract: Two appealing alternatives for MOFs synthesis: solvent-free oven heating vs. microwave heating

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Article type
03 Sep 2014
04 Nov 2014
First published
05 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 60409-60412

Author version available

Two appealing alternatives for MOFs synthesis: solvent-free oven heating vs. microwave heating

M. Lanchas, S. Arcediano, A. T. Aguayo, G. Beobide, O. Castillo, J. Cepeda, D. Vallejo-Sánchez and A. Luque, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 60409 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA09743B

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