Issue 108, 2014

A relay ring-opening/double ring-closing metathesis strategy for the bicyclic macrolide-butenolide core structures


A concise strategy has been developed for the synthesis of the bicyclic macrolide-butenolide core structures of various natural products with the macrolide ring size ranging from 12- to 16-membered. The bicyclic structure was easily assembled using the relay ring-opening/double ring-closing metathesis strategy. An efficient synthesis of (±)-desmethyl manshurolide has been achieved as an application of this strategy.

Graphical abstract: A relay ring-opening/double ring-closing metathesis strategy for the bicyclic macrolide-butenolide core structures

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Article information

Article type
22 Sep 2014
11 Nov 2014
First published
12 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 63342-63348

A relay ring-opening/double ring-closing metathesis strategy for the bicyclic macrolide-butenolide core structures

M. B. Halle and R. A. Fernandes, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 63342 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA10937F

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