Issue 108, 2014

Effects of electronic modification and structural distortion on ferromagnetism in sputtered CeO2 films with isovalent Sn4+ doping


The effects of isovalent doping on electronic and magnetic properties in sputtered polycrystalline Ce1−xSnxO2 films were investigated. All the samples have a fluorite structure with [100] preferred orientation. The Sn doping helps to boost the magnetism in CeO2, but has no significant impact when the doping content exceeds 6% (x > 0.06). Experimental analysis indicates that the magnetism may be directly associated with the structure distortion as well as the concentration of Ce3+ and oxygen vacancies. Theoretical calculations based on the density-functional theory suggest that the redox process of CeO2 can be influenced by the presence of dopant. The superexchange mechanism through Ce–O–Ce interaction and F+ centers lying deep in the gap can ease the mediation of ferromagnetic coupling in the system. Meanwhile, there is a competition mechanism in electronic modification, causing the spin-polarization to have a maximum stability at a critical doping concentration.

Graphical abstract: Effects of electronic modification and structural distortion on ferromagnetism in sputtered CeO2 films with isovalent Sn4+ doping

Article information

Article type
12 Oct 2014
14 Nov 2014
First published
17 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 63228-63233

Effects of electronic modification and structural distortion on ferromagnetism in sputtered CeO2 films with isovalent Sn4+ doping

B. Zhou, S. Dong, H. Zhao and P. Wu, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 63228 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA12228C

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