Issue 3, 2015

Orthometallation of N-substituents at the NHC ligand of [Rh(Cl)(COD)(NHC)] complexes: its role in the catalytic hydrosilylation of ketones


The rhodium(I)-NHC (NHC = N-heterocyclic carbene) complex [Rh(Cl)(COD)(2-methoxyphenyl-NHC-(CH2)3Si(OiPr)3)] (2a) catalyzes the solvent-free homogeneous hydrosilylation of acetophenone with HSiMe(OSiMe3)2. Kinetic studies show that 2a behaves differently to the related homogeneous catalysts [Rh(Cl)(COD)(R-NHC-(CH2)3Si(OiPr)3)] (R = 2,6-diisopropylphenyl (2b); R = 2-methoxyethyl (2c)). This behavior could be attributable to the participation of different catalytic active species. Indeed, 1H NMR studies of the reaction of 2a with HSiMe(OSiMe3)2 evidenced the formation of a new hydrido-bridged binuclear complex, namely {[Rh(SiMe(OSiMe3)2)(κ-C,C′-R-NHC-(CH2)3Si(OiPr)3)]2(μ-H)2} (R = 2-methoxyphenyl, 3), featuring orthometallated NHC and terminal silyl ligands, which has been proposed as the resting species in the hydrosilylation of acetophenone with HSiMe(OSiMe3)2 catalyzed by 2a. Moreover, the heterogeneous catalyst 2a-MCM-41 evidenced a behavior similar to the homogeneous catalyst 2a in the solvent-free hydrosilylation of acetophenone with HSiMe(OSiMe3)2.

Graphical abstract: Orthometallation of N-substituents at the NHC ligand of [Rh(Cl)(COD)(NHC)] complexes: its role in the catalytic hydrosilylation of ketones

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Article information

Article type
27 Nov 2014
29 Dec 2014
First published
05 Jan 2015

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2015,5, 1878-1887

Author version available

Orthometallation of N-substituents at the NHC ligand of [Rh(Cl)(COD)(NHC)] complexes: its role in the catalytic hydrosilylation of ketones

G. Lázaro, F. J. Fernández-Alvarez, J. Munárriz, V. Polo, M. Iglesias, J. J. Pérez-Torrente and L. A. Oro, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2015, 5, 1878 DOI: 10.1039/C4CY01556H

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