Direct multi-element analysis of plastic materials via solid sampling electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy†
In this work the determination of Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe and Sb as organic and inorganic additives in in-house plastic materials (ABS, LDPE) using electrothermal vaporization combined with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy is described. The influence of CCl2F2 as gaseous halogenation modifier was investigated. Especially for the carbide forming elements the sensitivity was improved and the memory effects were significantly reduced. Calibration was performed by external calibration and standard addition with aqueous standard solutions added directly into the sample boats. Absolute limits of detection (3s-criterion) range between 0.1 ng (Cd) and 9 ng (Fe) which corresponds to relative values of 0.1 mg kg−1 and 1.6 mg kg−1, respectively, taking 5 mg as typical sample mass. The detection limits are sufficient to monitor the element contents of plastic materials according to European directives such as European directive on the safety of toys. The developed ETV-ICP-OES method allows a fast analysis with a high sample throughput (3 minutes per analysis), low sample consumption and good trueness and precision for the analyzed elements. Sample preparation is reduced to ashing the samples in a muffle furnace. Furthermore, measurements are possible regardless of the chemical form in the additives. For verification the results obtained with the developed method were compared with measurement results of independent methods ICP-MS/OES after digestion. In addition Cd, Cr and Pb were determined in a solid plastic reference material BAM-H010 to confirm the applicability and accuracy of the method.