Issue 2, 2015

Deep-ultraviolet-light-driven reversible doping of WS2 field-effect transistors


Improvement of the electrical and photoelectric characteristics is essential to achieve an advanced performance of field-effect transistors and optoelectronic devices. Here we have developed a doping technique to drastically improve electrical and photoelectric characteristics of single-layered, bi-layered and multi-layered WS2 field-effect transistors (FET). After illuminating with deep ultraviolet (DUV) light in a nitrogen environment, WS2 FET shows an enhanced charge carrier density, mobility and photocurrent response. The threshold voltage of WS2 FET shifted toward the negative gate voltage, and the positions of E12g and A1g peaks in Raman spectra shifted toward lower wavenumbers, indicating the n-type doping effect of the WS2 FET. The doping effect is reversible. The pristine characteristics of WS2 FET can be restored by DUV light illumination in an oxygen environment. The DUV-driven doping technique in a gas environment provides a very stable, effective, easily applicable way to enhance the performance of WS2 FET.

Graphical abstract: Deep-ultraviolet-light-driven reversible doping of WS2 field-effect transistors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Sep 2014
10 Nov 2014
First published
17 Nov 2014

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 747-757

Author version available

Deep-ultraviolet-light-driven reversible doping of WS2 field-effect transistors

M. W. Iqbal, M. Z. Iqbal, M. F. Khan, M. A. Shehzad, Y. Seo and J. Eom, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 747 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR05129G

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