Issue 2, 2015

Porous cobalt–manganese oxide nanocubes derived from metal organic frameworks as a cathode catalyst for rechargeable Li–O2 batteries


The development of cathode catalysts with a porous structure is essential to design Li–O2 batteries with a high rate performance and good cycle stability. Herein, spinel-type porous cobalt–manganese oxide (Co–Mn–O) nanocubes derived from metal organic frameworks were employed as an electrocatalyst in a Li–O2 battery. The battery with the porous Co–Mn–O nanocubes electrode showed a low overpotential and enhanced capacity. The synergistic effects of large specific surface area, porous structure, and the high electrocatalytic activity of the porous Co–Mn–O nanocubes electrode endowed the Li–O2 battery with a good rate performance and excellent cycle stability up to 100 cycles.

Graphical abstract: Porous cobalt–manganese oxide nanocubes derived from metal organic frameworks as a cathode catalyst for rechargeable Li–O2 batteries

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Article information

Article type
06 Oct 2014
04 Nov 2014
First published
10 Nov 2014

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 720-726

Author version available

Porous cobalt–manganese oxide nanocubes derived from metal organic frameworks as a cathode catalyst for rechargeable Li–O2 batteries

J. Zhang, L. Wang, L. Xu, X. Ge, X. Zhao, M. Lai, Z. Liu and W. Chen, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 720 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR05865H

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