Issue 32, 2015

Enhancing carrier generation in TiO2 by a synergistic effect between plasmon resonance in Ag nanoparticles and optical interference


Silver nanoparticles have been embedded at a few nanometer distance from the free surface of titania/silica multilayers using low energy ion beam synthesis. Transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of 3 nm-sized crystalline particles. Reflectance spectroscopy on these composite substrates shows an increase of the light capture efficiency in the visible range. This behaviour is interpreted as a synergistic effect between plasmon polariton resonance and Fabry–Perot interferences. Plasmon-resonant Raman spectroscopy is deeply used to analyze, on one hand confinement of vibrations and electronic excitations in Ag NPs, and on the other hand coupling of polar TiO2 phonons with injected photo-generated carriers. It is shown how these new Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite films appear as very promising to enhance the efficiency and enlarge the spectral sensitivity of plasmo-electronics devices.

Graphical abstract: Enhancing carrier generation in TiO2 by a synergistic effect between plasmon resonance in Ag nanoparticles and optical interference

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Article type
15 Apr 2015
30 Jun 2015
First published
06 Jul 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 13468-13476

Author version available

Enhancing carrier generation in TiO2 by a synergistic effect between plasmon resonance in Ag nanoparticles and optical interference

G. Cacciato, M. Bayle, A. Pugliara, C. Bonafos, M. Zimbone, V. Privitera, M. G. Grimaldi and R. Carles, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 13468 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR02406D

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