Issue 41, 2015

Size- and shape-dependent phase diagram of In–Sb nano-alloys


Nano-scale alloy systems with at least one dimension below 100 nm have different phase stabilities than those observed in the macro-scale systems due to a large surface to volume ratio. We have used the semi-empirical thermodynamic modelling, i.e. the CALPHAD method, to predict the phase equilibria of the In–Sb nano-scale systems as a function of size and shape. To calculate the size- and shape-dependent phase diagram of the In–Sb system, we have added size-dependent surface energy terms to the Gibbs energy expressions in the In–Sb thermodynamic database. We estimated the surface energies of the solution phases and of the InSb intermetallic phase using the Butler equation and DFT calculations, respectively. A melting point and eutectic point depression were observed for both nanoparticle and nanowire systems. The eutectic composition on the In-rich and Sb-rich sides of the phase diagram shifted towards higher solubility. We believe that the phase diagram of In–Sb nano-alloys is useful for an increased understanding of the growth parameters and mechanisms of InSb nanostructures.

Graphical abstract: Size- and shape-dependent phase diagram of In–Sb nano-alloys

Article information

Article type
17 Jun 2015
24 Sep 2015
First published
28 Sep 2015
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 17387-17396

Author version available

Size- and shape-dependent phase diagram of In–Sb nano-alloys

M. Ghasemi, Z. Zanolli, M. Stankovski and J. Johansson, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 17387 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04014K

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