Issue 41, 2015

Progress toward clonable inorganic nanoparticles


Pseudomonas moraviensis stanleyae was recently isolated from the roots of the selenium (Se) hyperaccumulator plant Stanleya pinnata. This bacterium tolerates normally lethal concentrations of SeO32− in liquid culture, where it also produces Se nanoparticles. Structure and cellular ultrastructure of the Se nanoparticles as determined by cellular electron tomography shows the nanoparticles as intracellular, of narrow dispersity, symmetrically irregular and without any observable membrane or structured protein shell. Protein mass spectrometry of a fractionated soluble cytosolic material with selenite reducing capability identified nitrite reductase and glutathione reductase homologues as NADPH dependent candidate enzymes for the reduction of selenite to zerovalent Se nanoparticles. In vitro experiments with commercially sourced glutathione reductase revealed that the enzyme can reduce SeO32− (selenite) to Se nanoparticles in an NADPH-dependent process. The disappearance of the enzyme as determined by protein assay during nanoparticle formation suggests that glutathione reductase is associated with or possibly entombed in the nanoparticles whose formation it catalyzes. Chemically dissolving the nanoparticles releases the enzyme. The size of the nanoparticles varies with SeO32− concentration, varying in size form 5 nm diameter when formed at 1.0 μM [SeO32−] to 50 nm maximum diameter when formed at 100 μM [SeO32−]. In aggregate, we suggest that glutathione reductase possesses the key attributes of a clonable nanoparticle system: ion reduction, nanoparticle retention and size control of the nanoparticle at the enzyme site.

Graphical abstract: Progress toward clonable inorganic nanoparticles

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Article information

Article type
19 Jun 2015
24 Aug 2015
First published
09 Sep 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 17320-17327

Author version available

Progress toward clonable inorganic nanoparticles

T. W. Ni, L. C. Staicu, R. S. Nemeth, C. L. Schwartz, D. Crawford, J. D. Seligman, W. J. Hunter, E. A. H. Pilon-Smits and C. J. Ackerson, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 17320 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04097C

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