TBHP mediated oxidation of N-2-alkynylphenyl α-amino carbonyl compounds to oxalic amides using visible light photoredox catalysis and their application in the synthesis of 2-aryl indoles†
A visible light promoted and TBHP mediated oxidative reaction of N-2-alkynylphenyl α-amino carbonyl compounds to N-2-alkynylphenyl oxalic amides was developed. In the presence of CuBr and photocatalyst Ru(bpy)3Cl2·6H2O, the reaction proceeded smoothly to afford the corresponding oxalic amides under the irradiation of a 26 W compact fluorescence bulb at room temperature. Furthermore, N-2-alkynylphenyl oxalic amides could be subsequently transferred to 2-aryl indoles without an additional deacylation step through a favored 5-endo-dig N-cyclization process using AgNO3 as catalyst.