Issue 57, 2015

Mechanochemical growth of a porous ZnFe2O4 nano-flake thin film as an electrode for supercapacitor application


Herein, we are reporting a simple, economic, easy to handle, scalable and reproducible mechanochemical i.e. rotational chemical bath deposition (R-CBD) approach for the synthesis of well adhered nano-flake ZnFe2O4 thin films (NFs-ZnFe2O4) with uniform morphology on a stainless steel (SS) substrate, in comparison with nano-grain ZnFe2O4 thin films (NGs-ZnFe2O4) prepared using a conventional CBD approach. The influence of rotation on the evolution of the nano-flake morphology in NFs-ZnFe2O4 is also investigated. The porous NFs-ZnFe2O4 thin films demonstrated excellent pseudocapacitor properties with higher specific capacitance of 768 F g−1 at high current density of 5 mA cm−2, stability upto 5000 cycles (88% retention), higher energy density (106 W h kg−1) and power density (18 kW kg−1) compared to NGs-ZnFe2O4. The results were also found to be higher than those reported earlier for MFe2O4 based systems.

Graphical abstract: Mechanochemical growth of a porous ZnFe2O4 nano-flake thin film as an electrode for supercapacitor application

Article information

Article type
26 Apr 2015
15 May 2015
First published
15 May 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 45935-45942

Author version available

Mechanochemical growth of a porous ZnFe2O4 nano-flake thin film as an electrode for supercapacitor application

M. M. Vadiyar, S. C. Bhise, S. K. Patil, S. A. Patil, D. K. Pawar, A. V. Ghule, P. S. Patil and S. S. Kolekar, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 45935 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA07588B

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