Issue 74, 2015

The first dye-sensitized solar cell with p-type LaOCuS nanoparticles as a photocathode


Layered LaOCuS oxysulfide is a well-known wide band gap p-type semiconductor that has attracted strong interests for transparent electronics. We report here that nanoparticles of this material can also be used as a substitute for the widely used NiO compound to fabricate photocathodes for p-type dye sensitized solar cells.

Graphical abstract: The first dye-sensitized solar cell with p-type LaOCuS nanoparticles as a photocathode

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Article information

Article type
29 Apr 2015
03 Jul 2015
First published
03 Jul 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 60148-60151

Author version available

The first dye-sensitized solar cell with p-type LaOCuS nanoparticles as a photocathode

A. Renaud, L. Cario, Y. Pellegrin, E. Blart, M. Boujtita, F. Odobel and S. Jobic, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 60148 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA07859H

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