Cyclopentadienylcobalt azaboranes violating the Wade–Mingos rules: a degree 3 vertex for the nitrogen atom†
The experimentally realized chemistry of polyhedral azaboranes includes the very stable cobalt derivative CpCoNHB9H9, which has been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The structures and energetics of the complete series of cobaltaazaboranes CpCoNHBn−2Hn−2 have now been studied by density functional theory. Low-energy structures are found for the 8- and 9-vertex systems based on non-spherical deltahedra providing a degree 3 vertex for the nitrogen atom and thus violating expectations from the Wade–Mingos rules. Thus the lowest energy CpCoNHB6H6 structure is an antipodally bicapped octahedron with the nitrogen atom at a degree 3 vertex rather than the most spherical bisdisphenoid. For the 9-vertex CpCoNHB7H7 system the lowest energy structures are based on the most spherical tricapped trigonal prism. However, isomeric CpCoNHB7H7 structures at ∼13 kcal mol−1 in energy above these structures are found with a central capped bisdisphenoid having the nitrogen atom at the degree 3 capping vertex. In contrast to the 8- and 9-vertex systems, the low-energy CpCoNHBn−2Hn−2 structures for the 10 to 12 vertex systems are based on the most spherical deltahedra. For the 10- and 11-vertex systems all of the low-energy structures have the nitrogen atom at a degree 4 vertex. The predicted Co–N and Co–B distances in the lowest energy CpCoNHB9H9 structure are very close to the experimental values.