Issue 118, 2015

Quality-enhanced AlN epitaxial films grown on Al substrates by two-step growth


Quality-enhanced AlN epitaxial films have been grown on Al substrates by pulsed laser deposition with two-step growth by the combination of low-temperature (LT) and high-temperature (HT) growth. The effect of the HT growth temperature on the interfacial property, surface morphology and crystalline quality of the as-grown AlN epitaxial films is studied in detail. It is found that as the HT growth temperature increases from 450 to 650 °C, the AlN/Al hetero-interfaces of ∼300 nm thick AlN epitaxial films remain sharp and clear, and the surface morphology and crystalline quality of ∼300 nm thick AlN epitaxial films are improved gradually. Especially, the ∼300 nm thick AlN epitaxial films grown at a HT growth temperature of 650 °C show sharp and abrupt AlN/Al hetero-interfaces, very smooth surfaces with a root-mean-square surface roughness of 1.1 nm, and high crystalline quality with full-widths at half-maximum for AlN(0002) and AlN(10[1 with combining macron]2) X-ray rocking curves of 0.45° and 0.72°, respectively. The quality-enhanced AlN epitaxial films on Al substrates are of paramount importance for the fabrication of highly-efficient AlN-based devices.

Graphical abstract: Quality-enhanced AlN epitaxial films grown on Al substrates by two-step growth

Article information

Article type
24 Sep 2015
06 Nov 2015
First published
09 Nov 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 97308-97313

Author version available

Quality-enhanced AlN epitaxial films grown on Al substrates by two-step growth

W. Wang, W. Yang, H. Wang, Y. Zhu and G. Li, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 97308 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA19771F

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