Issue 1, 2015

Chiral tether-mediated stabilization and helix-sense control of complementary metallo-double helices


A series of novel PtII-linked double helices were prepared by inter- or intrastrand ligand-exchange reactions of the complementary duplexes composed of chiral or achiral amidine dimer and achiral carboxylic acid dimer strands joined by trans-PtII–acetylide complexes with PPh3 ligands using chiral and achiral chelating diphosphines. The structure and stability of the PtII-linked double helices were highly dependent on the diphosphine structures. An interstrand ligand exchange took place with chiral and achiral 1,3-diphosphine-based ligands, resulting in trans-PtII-bridged double helices, whose helical structures were quite stable even in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) due to the interstrand cross-link, whereas a 1,2-diphosphine-based ligand produced non-cross-linked cis-PtII-linked duplexes, resulting from an intrastrand ligand-exchange that readily dissociated into single strands in DMSO. When enantiopure 1,3-diphosphine-based ligands were used, the resulting trans-PtII-bridged double helices adopted a preferred-handed helical sense biased by the chirality of the bridged diphosphines. Interestingly, the interstrand ligand exchange with racemic 1,3-diphosphine toward an optically-active PtII-linked duplex, composed of chiral amidine and achiral carboxylic acid strands, was found to proceed in a diastereoselective manner, thus forming complete homochiral trans-PtII-bridged double helices via a unique chiral self-sorting.

Graphical abstract: Chiral tether-mediated stabilization and helix-sense control of complementary metallo-double helices

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
30 Jul 2014
10 Sep 2014
First published
10 Sep 2014
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2015,6, 714-723

Chiral tether-mediated stabilization and helix-sense control of complementary metallo-double helices

M. Horie, N. Ousaka, D. Taura and E. Yashima, Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 714 DOI: 10.1039/C4SC02275K

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