Issue 22, 2015

Nonthermal fluctuations of the mitotic spindle


We present direct measurements of fluctuations in the nucleus of yeast cells. While prior work has shown these fluctuations to be active and non-thermal in character, their origin and time dependence are not understood. We show that the nuclear fluctuations we observe are quantitatively consistent with uncorrelated, active force fluctuations driving a nuclear medium that is dominated by an uncondensed DNA solution, for which we perform rheological measurements on an in vitro model system under similar conditions to what is expected in the nucleus.

Graphical abstract: Nonthermal fluctuations of the mitotic spindle

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Article information

Article type
19 Jan 2015
15 Apr 2015
First published
15 Apr 2015

Soft Matter, 2015,11, 4396-4401

Author version available

Nonthermal fluctuations of the mitotic spindle

K. Smith, B. Griffin, H. Byrd, F. C. MacKintosh and M. L. Kilfoil, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 4396 DOI: 10.1039/C5SM00149H

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