Issue 4, 2015

Amorphous carbon dots with high two-photon fluorescence for cellular imaging passivated by hyperbranched poly(amino amine)


Amorphous carbon dots (C-Dots) with high two-photon fluorescence were prepared by using citric acid (CA) as the carbon source and hyperbranched poly(amino amine) (HPAA) as the surface passivation agent through a facile hydrothermal approach. The C-Dots with an average diameter about 10 nm were readily dispersed in water. They exhibited excellent fluorescence properties and excitation-dependent fluorescence behavior with the corresponding quantum yield (QY) of 17.1% in aqueous solution. Interestingly, the C-Dots emitted bright fluorescence even in the solid state with a QY of 16.3%, which is the highest value obtained for carbon-based nanomaterials. Using the MTT assay, the C-Dots showed low cytotoxicity against L929 normal cells. Furthermore, they were easily internalized by HeLa cells and presented high quality one- and two-photon cellular imaging, suggesting significant potential for application in biological imaging.

Graphical abstract: Amorphous carbon dots with high two-photon fluorescence for cellular imaging passivated by hyperbranched poly(amino amine)

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Article information

Article type
05 Oct 2014
17 Nov 2014
First published
18 Nov 2014

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015,3, 700-706

Amorphous carbon dots with high two-photon fluorescence for cellular imaging passivated by hyperbranched poly(amino amine)

G. Tong, J. Wang, R. Wang, X. Guo, L. He, F. Qiu, G. Wang, B. Zhu, X. Zhu and T. Liu, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 700 DOI: 10.1039/C4TB01643B

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