Issue 18, 2015

Effects of zirconium and strontium on the biocorrosion of Mg–Zr–Sr alloys for biodegradable implant applications


The successful applications of magnesium (Mg) alloys as biodegradable orthopedic implants are mainly restricted due to their rapid degradation rate in the physiological environment, leading to a loss of mechanical integrity. This study systematically investigated the degradation behaviors of novel Mg–Zr–Sr alloys using electrochemical techniques, hydrogen evolution, and weight loss in simulated body fluid (SBF). The microstructure and degradation behaviors of the alloys were characterized using optical microscopy, XRD, SEM, and EDX. The results indicate that Zr and Sr concentrations in Mg alloys strongly affected the degradation rate of the alloys in SBF. A high concentration of 5 wt% Zr led to acceleration of anodic dissolution, which significantly decreased the biocorrosion resistance of the alloys and their biocompatibility. A high volume fraction of Mg17Sr2 phases due to the addition of excessive Sr (over 5 wt%) resulted in enhanced galvanic effects between the Mg matrix and Mg17Sr2 phases, which reduced the biocorrosion resistance. The average Sr release rate is approximately 0.15 mg L−1 day−1, which is much lower than the body burden and proves its good biocompatibility. A new biocorrosion model has been established to illustrate the degradation of alloys and the formation of degradation products on the surface of the alloys. It can be concluded that the optimal concentration of Zr and Sr is less than 2 wt% for as-cast Mg–Zr–Sr alloys used as biodegradable orthopedic implants.

Graphical abstract: Effects of zirconium and strontium on the biocorrosion of Mg–Zr–Sr alloys for biodegradable implant applications

Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2015
26 Mar 2015
First published
27 Mar 2015

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015,3, 3714-3729

Author version available

Effects of zirconium and strontium on the biocorrosion of Mg–Zr–Sr alloys for biodegradable implant applications

Y. Ding, Y. Li, J. Lin and C. Wen, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 3714 DOI: 10.1039/C5TB00433K

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