Issue 13, 2015

Electrochromic properties of novel octa-pinene substituted double-decker Ln(iii) (Ln = Eu, Er, Lu) phthalocyanines with distinctive near-IR absorption


Octa-pinene substituted double-decker lanthanide(III) phthalocyanines LnPc*2 (Ln = Eu, Er, Lu) were prepared and their spectral, electrochemical, spectroelectrochemical and electrochromatic properties were studied. The introduction of the bulky and rigid pinene groups into phthalocyanines provides several advantages for the resulting double-decker lanthanide(III) phthalocyanine complex. First of all, the intermolecular interaction in the new LnPc*2 complex was weakened, leading to excellent solubility. Secondly, intramolecular distances between the macrocycles in LnPc*2 molecules were also increased, resulting in a significant red shift of the ring-to-ring intervalence charge transfer bands. Particularly, the intervalence bands of EuPc*2, ErPc*2 and LuPc*2 were observed at 1944, 1693 and 1620 nm, respectively, which appear to be the most red-shifted absorption in comparison with the literature values of mononuclear double-decker Eu(III), Er(III) and Lu(III) phthalocyanines. Thirdly, given the red-shifted near-IR (NIR) absorption and the various colorful oxidation states, the solution of LnPc*2 exhibits electrochromic behavior both in the UV-Vis and near-IR regions. Notably, spectral change of EuPc*2 covers almost the whole range of the NIR region. Finally, the pinene groups also enhance the film-forming ability. Therefore, we were able to fabricate solid state electrochromic devices through a solution processable method. The as-fabricated devices show reversible electrochromic behavior with high color efficiency and good stability.

Graphical abstract: Electrochromic properties of novel octa-pinene substituted double-decker Ln(iii) (Ln = Eu, Er, Lu) phthalocyanines with distinctive near-IR absorption

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Article information

Article type
05 Jan 2015
04 Feb 2015
First published
06 Feb 2015

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 3072-3080

Electrochromic properties of novel octa-pinene substituted double-decker Ln(III) (Ln = Eu, Er, Lu) phthalocyanines with distinctive near-IR absorption

W. Zheng, B. Wang, J. Lai, C. Wan, X. Lu, C. Li and X. You, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 3072 DOI: 10.1039/C5TC00020C

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