Issue 27, 2015

From FePt–Fe3O4 to L10-FePt–Fe nanocomposite magnets with a gradient interface


We report a novel approach for the fabrication of exchange-coupling L10-FePt–bcc-Fe nanocomposites with a gradient interface between hard and soft phases from FePt nanoparticles (NPs) and FePt–Fe3O4 dumbbell shaped NPs, which are prepared by a facile one-pot synthesis method. High temperature annealing in argon is first used to convert FePt in FePt–Fe3O4 dumbbell shaped NPs to the L10-FePt phase. Then Fe3O4 in FePt–Fe3O4 dumbbell shaped NPs is reduced to bcc-Fe by low temperature annealing in reducing gas, forming L10-FePt–Fe nanocomposites. The L10-FePt–Fe nanocomposites exhibit both large coercivity and high magnetic moment. The work demonstrates that creating a nanoscale gradient interface between magnetically hard and soft phases is a promising approach for the fabrication of high performance permanent magnets.

Graphical abstract: From FePt–Fe3O4 to L10-FePt–Fe nanocomposite magnets with a gradient interface

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Article information

Article type
23 Apr 2015
28 May 2015
First published
29 May 2015

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 7075-7080

Author version available

From FePt–Fe3O4 to L10-FePt–Fe nanocomposite magnets with a gradient interface

W. Yang, W. Lei, Y. Yu, W. Zhu, T. A. George, X.-Z. Li, D. J. Sellmyer and S. Sun, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 7075 DOI: 10.1039/C5TC01145K

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