Issue 11, 2016

Development of a memetic clustering algorithm for optimal spectral histology: application to FTIR images of normal human colon


The coupling between Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) imaging and unsupervised classification is effective in revealing the different structures of human tissues based on their specific biomolecular IR signatures; thus the spectral histology of the studied samples is achieved. However, the most widely applied clustering methods in spectral histology are local search algorithms, which converge to a local optimum, depending on initialization. Multiple runs of the techniques estimate multiple different solutions. Here, we propose a memetic algorithm, based on a genetic algorithm and a k-means clustering refinement, to perform optimal clustering. In addition, this approach was applied to the acquired FTIR images of normal human colon tissues originating from five patients. The results show the efficiency of the proposed memetic algorithm to achieve the optimal spectral histology of these samples, contrary to k-means.

Graphical abstract: Development of a memetic clustering algorithm for optimal spectral histology: application to FTIR images of normal human colon

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Oct 2015
07 Apr 2016
First published
07 Apr 2016

Analyst, 2016,141, 3296-3304

Development of a memetic clustering algorithm for optimal spectral histology: application to FTIR images of normal human colon

I. Farah, T. N. Q. Nguyen, A. Groh, D. Guenot, P. Jeannesson and C. Gobinet, Analyst, 2016, 141, 3296 DOI: 10.1039/C5AN02227D

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